Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One of the Most Disturbing Things I've Ever Seen

While looking around mediawatch for something to blog about I ran across one of the most horrifically disturbing things I’ve ever seen. Apparently the Japanese video game company Illusion has made some very distasteful games, such as, RapeLay and the Battle Rapper series. After looking a bit more I came across the story line for these games.
In RapeLay the objective of the main male character is to stalk, grope, molest, enslave and repeatedly rape an entire family of women. The female characters are a mother and her three young daughters. There are sexual positions a player can choose, as well as, appearance options to choose for the female characters. The game also includes options of gang rape and photos of the girls naked and covered in semen. The Battle Rapper series, Battle Rapper and Battle Rapper2, are similar to RapeLay in that the game consists of beating, stripping, molesting and raping the female characters.
Apparently these games cannot be bought legally in the U.S. and aren’t supposed to be sold outside of Japan but at one point RapeLay was available on Amazon. After harsh criticism Amazon has removed the game and EBay won’t sell it either. Of course you can find it free, in English online.
Members of the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault have strongly encouraged everyone to speak out against this game and others like it and are calling for a ban on any kind of sales of these products in the U.S. I can’t honestly believe that anyone would make or buy a game that is so totally wrong on so many levels, it’s inconceivable to me that any human would play this crap.
I realize that traditionally the Japanese have thought that women are second class citizens but this is outrageous and absolutely ridiculous. I think that Illusion should be ashamed of themselves for creating such totally degrading and detrimental material and that anyone who buys, supports or plays these games should be ashamed as well. We as a whole in society globally should make these games obsolete because of their promotion of violence toward women and Illusion should not be able to gain financial profit for this kind of material. I do understand that even games made here are degrading to women and contain too much violence but these particular games take all of it to the next level.


  1. This is so disturbing! I am on one side happy to say this game is not for sale in the US, but again, not happy that it was even EVER created. It makes me sick to see that people are out buying this game and supporting it. Violence against women is already at an high, and games that promote violence towards women need to be banned. If given the opportunity I would speak out against this game and games like it.

  2. I can't believe that someone is actually making a game like this, and they think that it’s OK! No matter where you are in the world you should know that violence and sexual assault are never OK, no matter who you are or how your culture views women. There is no good excuse for rape, and this video game is just making rape more culturally accepted. Even if the game is banned and condemned, some people are still going to play it, and they will learn what it feels like to be a rapist. Even if they know that it’s just a video game, it will still desensitize them to this type violence. Even if they are disgusted by what they are doing, rape would still be becoming normal to them, because they are learning about it from a video game (which many people perceive as harmless).

    I find it sad that we even need laws to prevent the making of a game like this; shouldn't it just be common sense that making rape into a game is bad? It’s sad to think that there is a niche for this in any part of the world. Even if the Japanese have a different view of women then American's do, they still shouldn't think it's OK to make a video game about rape. I had hoped that everyone knew that rape is a devastating and traumatic experience, so why does this company now think that it’s OK to make it part of the main stream media?

  3. Unfortunately, there must be a market for this if there wasn't it would not be for sale. I think it is beyond sad that this is what is considered entertainment it sends not only a message that rape is okay but that its normal-and not a crime! Rape no matter how it is dressed up is a crime and should be treated as such. For the sick progammers who developed this game they should be have to do community service at a womens clinic to see the real images of rape-there is something significantly wrong with anyone who thinks that this is ok..

  4. I don't even understand how someone can get the idea of making a video game like this. Do people honestly feel powerful or have fun raping people and etc. in video games. This game should of never been released because of all the features on the game. Im glad to know other websites wont sell this game. Whoever made this game and or plays this game should be ashamed of themselves.
